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Refine your Self-Image for Success in 2020

Why Should I Follow You? Today's business leaders and C-Suite directors are overwhelmed with change. They are being challenged from every direction- by shareholders, customers and employees. The question is why do some prosper when others fail? The difference between success and failure can be due to several reasons with the key being traced to internal reasons, to how well leaders engage the hearts and souls of their followers. What does it take to engage people today? What does it take to inspire people to like or get connected with you? Firstly, it takes self-leadership. One big difference between the success or failure of leaders can be traced to character- how authentically they lead. Authentic character usually accompanies greatness in everything they do and is largely responsible for the energy and unity found in high-performing teams and organizations. Secondly, leaders need to answer this key question asked by employees, "Why should I follow you?" Leader