We see ourselves differently than others see us sometimes. Ever wonder why? Ready to discover your Colour Palette to discover the Refined You? We are all searching for an understanding of SELF, but oftentimes, our opinion of self and/or others is distorted before we have even begun. Unless we learn and understand our own values, and authentic self, and use the knowledge to manage our own Personal Image, we frequently and unconsciously allow the opinions and perceptions of others to influence our own unique view, and determine how we should present ourselves to the rest of the world. These had been one of the key factors to leading unfulfilled or unhappiness in most people's lives. Using Colour Analysis to Know Your Personality Traits. Very few people are absolutely one Season, though you may get an idea of your Season. Nature has provided us with a set of colour standards, and through identifying the essence of our true colours, it will be possible to use these standard...
An Inspired Life of Purpose