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You Are Wearing Your Thinking

You are wearing your thoughts like you wear clothes. Your thinking shows up on your face and in the way you act, in your body movement (or body language), gestures, facial expressions, and in your energy.

You are projecting joy, success, confidence, and calmness or you are projecting low-esteem, low energy, failure, mental stress, poverty, and grumpy. People can see it and they can feel it in a heartbeat. They might react or they might respond, consciously and unconsciously, to the thoughts you project. 

Your thinking shows up on your face and in your body language and in your energy.

Image Credit: Refinement Society

When you're worried, panic, and thinking negatively or positively, everybody knows it. Understanding how you look and minding your mindfulness is an essential skill in coping to manage your mental health. This is a NEW NORMAL BEST PRACTICE for staying calm, productive, WORKING FROM HOME (WFH), and CHANGES in both your PERSONAL, FAMILY, PROFESSIONAL CAREER and BUSINESS. 

Whether a person walked into a room looking angry or happy, anyone can tell what's he or she is thinking before he or she says anything. It is simply because we are wearing our thoughts, and our emotional state is reflected in our body language and on our faces. But, you may ask,  how is that going to affect our life, business, or career?  

Positive energy shines from you and it attracts. You feel good about yourself because you've been doing what it takes to thrive, feel good, look good, and succeed. 

Best Way to Reset Your Mindfulness and Reclaim Control of Your Life

"A man is the product of his thoughts. What he thinks he becomes." 


  • Seek CLARITY to re-discover Your 'Brilliance' and pivot your Brand
Heightened consumer awareness of health and wellness is reinforcing the trend towards change. 
To cope and manage mental stress during these uncertain times, and to recover from the global pandemic which had disrupted the whole global economy and personal lives, pivot to re-discover your 'Brilliance' to attract positive results and energy.

Image Credit: Pixabay

  • Project a Positive Image
Thinking positive is about taking action to achieve your goals. The BEST WAY to win deals, have a sustainable career and relationships is building TRUST through the three (3) simple principles;
  1. Visibility: It is time to build your online presence to provide VISIBILITY to your product or services and when users are searching for your brand.
  2. Credibility: It is important to build your brand's reputation, increasing brand awareness, and create value online, and be customer-centric. Be professional, always return phone calls or respond to email, be on time, keep your word. 
  3. Likeability: People do business with people they like. In any networking meeting or online conversation or zooming, try helping others feel comfortable, and you'll find you feel more comfortable too. Like people and people will like you back.

The Image Factor
Image Credit: Refinement Society

  • Become Healthier 
Embrace Wellness Lifestyle and start an exercise regime. During the Covid-19 Lock-down, loneliness and even depression, has set in. This may be true for those who are used to dining out or travelling either for vacation or business. As the saying goes, "When life gives you a lemon, make lemonade." While time is still on our hands, this is an ideal opportunity to be constructive, like read books or learn from online courses on how to be healthier and keeping fit to boost the immune system. Some may be focusing on weight loss. It is time to get healthier. 

  • Reading Self-Help Books
But, perhaps many of us while coming out of this pandemic crisis, are gearing up to reset our lives and ready to re-emerge into the world as a healthier, wiser, and better version of ourselves. Some of these best-selling self-help books stress the fact that we need to go through a paradigm shift.... a fundamental CHANGE in how we PERCEIVE the world and ourselves. Most of these self-help books are packed with wisdom that actually makes a difference.  Others can safely enhance your thinking, creativity, introspection,  and emotional balance. 

  • Live in the now, but keep the future in mind
"All work and no play makes Jack (or Jill) a dull person." Do you have a plan for the future? For example, when choosing whether to exercise or watch television, thinking about the long-term benefits that would come from each, makes it easier to skip a moderately entertaining show in favour of getting moving.

  • Stay Organised
Being organized is vital to finding balance in life. If you have a schedule where everything fits, you'll be more efficient with your time. Remember that there are only so many hours in the day. This means that whatever you choose to take on, limits your ability to do other things. So, even if you somehow can fit a new commitment into your schedule, if it's not more important than what you would have to give up to do it (including time for relaxation), you really don't have the time in your schedule.

  • Find Time to Relax
It is a matter of goal setting. Do your hobbies like listening to favourite music, reading books, singing (Karaoke), acting, dancing, or horse riding, or brisk walk or hiking in order to refresh your mind and stir up your senses.

  • De-clutter your Life
Have you seen those home makeover shows where they clear out all the clutter in a room and then reorganize the room to returning only those things that are vital to the happiness of the homeowners? You can use the same process to reorganize your life. 

  • Delegate like a pro and finding Balance 
Live Well
"He has achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much."
-Bessie Andersen Stanley

Good leaders and managers know the value and art of delegating responsibility by pairing people with jobs that they can do well, adding some encouragement, training, coaching, mentoring, and letting go.

There is no one-size-fits-all balance you should be striving for. The best balance is different for each of us because we all have different priorities and different lives. However, at the core of an effective balance definition are two everyday concepts that are relevant to each of us. They are daily Achievement and Enjoyment.  Achievement and Enjoyment answer the big question "Why". Why we do what we do. I think it is true for all of us that life will deliver the value and balance we desire...... when we are achieving and enjoying something every single day. 

Have a meaningful and purposeful life in the four(4) life quadrants - Work, Family, Friends, and Self

When was the last time you Achieved and Enjoyed something at work? What about Achieved and Enjoyed with your family; your friends? And how recently have you Achieved and Enjoyed something just for YOU? 

The Power is in the Implementation!


Take an ACTION PLAN today, to Reclaim CONTROL of your Life,... for daily Achievement and Enjoyment. 

At Home: On the way from work today, do something just for yourself. When you get home, before you walk in the door, think about whether you want to focus on achieving or enjoying yourself with your family at home tonight. Then act accordingly when you do walk in the door.

At Work: At work, you can create your own best balance by making sure you not only Achieve but also reflect the joy of the work, the joy of life, every day. If nobody pats you on the back today, pat yourself on the back. And help others to do the same. When you do, when you are a person that not only gets things done but also enjoys the doing, it attracts people to you. They want you in their community, in your group/team, and they want to be your associates.

Simple concepts. And once you focus on them as key components of your day, they are not that hard to implement. So, make it happen, for yourself, your family, and all the important individuals you care about.... every day of your life. 

Achieve and enjoy through managing and balancing the act.


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