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Book Club

"Change the way you Read, Live the Way You Change"
-Refinement Society Books

A Refined person not only appreciates Art, Culture, Taste, and many Fine things in life, he or she READS to awaken their creative qualities, inspiration, pleasure, joy, and MENTAL Balance.

Welcome to the Refinement Society Book Club. We find books that we like and recommend especially for the discerning palate- those with a hunger to thrive and not only strive. 

We have listed the books that we like so that you can quickly find the best solutions and inspirations for your refined life. Feel free to share with us books that you like or even your own books and our editorial team will review and might add them to our RS Book Club once approved.


1. Self-Help/Self-Enrichment

If You Want to Achieve GREATNESS, stop asking for permissions. 

Image Credit: MPH Bookstore Online

RS Book Code No. 1:1
WhatTitle    - The Image Factor
Who : Author: Teresa Dian Chew
Where: MPH Bookstore Online
Retail Price (Paper Back): RM 69.99

Image Credit:

RS Book Code No. 1:2
What: Title    - Who's in Your Room?
Who : Author: Ivan Minner Ph.D.; Stewart Emery; Rick Sapio
Retail Price (Paper Back):

2. Wardrobe

My Mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some PASSION, some COMPASSION, some HUMOUR, and some STYLE.

-Mayau Angelou

Image Credit: Amazon Kindle

RS Book Code No. 2:1
What: Title    - Minimalist Simple Wardrobe
Who : Author: Teresa Dian Chew
Where: AMAZON Kindle
Retail Price: USD 4.99 

3. Children's 

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory

Image Credit: 

RS Book Code No. 3:1
What: Title    - The Bench
Who : Author: Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex (Christian Robinson- Illustrator)

Refinement Society is a platform, an inspirational lifestyle blog for the discerning seeking change. The inspiration is for those aspiring to elevate themselves toward refinement. The platform serves as a hub for those with a hunger for knowledge, food, fashion, beauty, travel, excitement, self-care, and general wellbeing. I wanted to create a space to share all of these loves, and I want to show that you really do not need a huge budget to elevate to a refined life. Thus, do share and invite friends, family members, loved ones, colleagues, and your social network to share theirs. Let's together establish a breeding ground for ideas and inspirations - for an inspired life!

Time to get a copy of your favourite book over coffee. 

Liked what you read? Share and follow our Refinement Society to always be in the know and on-trend to cultivate the "Art of Living Well" for an Inspired Life. 

Share with us your favourite book and we would love to hear from you, comment below, follow and share with friends on your Facebook.

Stay Safe.



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