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Feel-Good Inspirations

As we all know, Sunday is the vital day to be recharged and renew our energy for positive vibes to set the tone for the week ahead. As we are still facing the #stay-at-home mode,  staying inspired is something you have to work on a little. You can consider tuning in to a playlist during an easy Sunday afternoon, or evening to get rejuvenated and be inspired by what the world has to offer you. The music you tune in can change the way you feel, and see the world. If you need a little bit of motivation, tuning in to some of this music may help!

Music is a powerful force. The right tune can make you stay focus, take action, or want to become a better version of yourself. Some songs have the power to unite people and some motivate us to see the BEAUTY in the world.
-Refinement Society 

1. Stronger (What doesn't kill you)- By Kelly Clarkson via VEVO

"What doesn't kill you makes you a fighter."  This song, by Kelly Clarkson, is an American Idol  'Season 1' winner that motivates you to reflect on your life when things do not go your way. I hope it helps to inspire you to be stronger, be more resilient, and fight harder to elevate you to a higher level.

2. You're Beautiful - By James Blunt

It talks about a special moment that is shared between people, and I believe all of you beautiful people had or are having those moments. When those moments happen, treasure them as you may need those memories to keep you going. 

3. Somewhere in Time by Maksim (original Music composed by John Barry)

The music is the main theme song of the Movie 'Somewhere in Time' and it is about a romantic love relationship that went beyond space and time. It awakens the emotional inner 'feel-good' inspirations to a renewed HOPE!

4. We are the Champions- By Queen

"And bad mistakes I've made a few I've had my share of sand kicked in my face- But I've come through". 
We all have had bad days when everything feels like coming down on top of us, but think of your better days, and your winning moments, and how you strive and ride through the waves, and win in the end. 

5. What a Feeling- By Irene Cara

The song is a great inspiration when you aspire to start afresh or setting new goals, as the lyrics say, "first when there's nothing but a slow glowing dream"

6. Just a PERFECT Day- By Lou Reed

"Just a PERFECT day, problems left alone". 
Take a break from all your problems, and take some time to enjoy, and embrace the 'me-time yourself.

7. Straighten Up and Fly Right- By Nat King Cole 

The soundtrack was written, and sung by one of the world's greatest solo vocalists, and a pioneer for racial equality, Nat King Cole. This classic version showcases some of Cole's brilliant early work and it was the No.1 hit and has remained popular. 

8. Feeling Good- By Michael Buble' 

A Canadian, Singer, songwriter, Michael Bluble' and record producer, his first album reached the top in Canada and the United Kingdom. The song 'Feeling Good' was one of the tunes in his second album and again it reached No. 1 in Canada, Italy, Japan, and on the Billboard Top Jazz Chart in 2005, followed by top 10 in the United Kingdom, and several countries in Europe. It stays 104 weeks on the Billboard.

9. Open Arms - By Steve Perry of the group, Journey

One of Journey's most enduring songs, especially for those of you who lived through the many good kinds of music in the 80s, like Queen, Bon Jovi, Journey just to name a few. Just to listen to the VOCAL is such a blessing.,and Steve Perry, the lead singer in the group, been simply called "The Voice"- one of the best vocalists of all time- The Legend! Many of his fans would pay thousands of dollars for a ticket just to see the real "Journey" live. 

Music changes how we see life. We hope the above list can motivate you and give you a dose of inspirations to face the day ahead. Let's start to continue to update the playlist. 

I hope you like the above list and share and invite friends, family members, loved ones, colleagues, and your social network to share theirs. Let us know what songs you like and do input comments below. Let's together motivate others to share and exchange ideas and inspirations - for an inspired life! 

Stay Motivated to Be Inspired!

Image credit above: By Pixabay 


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