People use to think that certain personalities are lucky and are born with attractive personalities, while others are not. Growing up, in the early years of our lives, many of us encounter that the popular person is pleasant and cheerful, is thoughtful and considerate, is a good sport, interesting to talk to, has a sense of humour, has good manners, acts natural, is neat in appearance, or even good looking. Shy people might wish that they were more extroverted and spontaneous in initiating a conversation. Some hot-tempered friends we know might wish they could keep their cool in emotionally charged situations.
Image Credit: Unsplash by James Kovin |
Charming people exude confidence and perseverance, are articulate, with charisma, and more often hungry for new knowledge. They are also great listeners, and have cumulative qualities of 'The Image Factor'.
What is it about certain personalities that continue to inspire and attract others?
As one evolves in their career, or especially when you are a leader, you will realize that personality becomes more important. Have you ever felt like that? Why is it that some people are popular, surrounded by friends, while others seem to go on in life almost unnoticed, and find it hard to find a life partner too?
A question we get asked often: So, what is Personality?
A personality is in some ways like a pie, made up of many ingredients. You are the chef. If you don't like the taste or the recipe ingredients of the pie, you can do something about it, for example using the Keto Diet Plan. You can help to make your "personality pie" the way you want it to be by consciously and deliberately striving to cultivate pleasing characteristics.
Personality is the combination of traits (characteristics), habits, values or ideals, and tendencies (temperament) that make an individual uniquely himself or herself. Everything that happens to you- all the things you learn, see and feel -helps to shape your personality. Every experience in your life will go into the development of your personality.
Just what makes a pleasing personality? Take a long and thoughtful look at the popular people in your group. What makes them so well-liked? If you were to make a list of desirable qualities, it would come out something like this:
A person with a pleasing personality likes and has a sincere interest in other people. He or she tries constantly to give happiness to his or her friends.
Another word for pleasing personality characteristics is "virtue". Virtue is a fine Latin word meaning "power". Virtue is the power of love. Love is not only the secret of popularity; it is the secret of happiness in life. It is the way of acquiring a pleasing personality for life.
Love is the most important piece of clothing you wear at all times, especially during this time of the global covid19 pandemic.
The next question we get asked a lot: Is it really possible to change your personality?
What self-help books and workshops you can follow to change your habits and behaviours?
To understand whether personality can be changed, we must first understand what exactly causes your personality.
A word from the behavioural and personality experts
Personality change might not be easy, and changing some broad traits might never really be fully possible. But, they do believe that there are things and steps you can do to change certain parts of your personality. That can result in real changes to the way you act, think, and how you lead your day-to-day life. What is your personality story?
Want to learn more about your personality and be more attractive and influential?
Are you feeling ready to challenge your self-beliefs? Do you feel you are ready to review and set new goals? Are you ready to learn new essential skills to manage new situations or environments? Do you wish to learn how to be calm and a more relaxed person?
Is your personality affecting your relationship and life success? If you feel the need to rediscover your personality, do reach out to Refinement Society to discuss your personal and life goal.
Leave a comment below and share with us your broad experiences where you feel your personality is affecting your relationship with peers or friends if any.
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