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Showing posts from October, 2021

What is your WORD worth?

The words you say matter a great deal. Saying negative and unkind things will make a pretty girl or a handsome guy look unattractive   Image Source: Kristina Flour@ Unsplash I remember greeting a friend, "How do you do", and he replied, "Do What?"  The words you say matter a great deal. People never have a good impression of those who are always complaining or saying negative things (even if some of what you say is true). Have you noticed that popular guys and girls have a positive attitude and usually have good things to say- whether it is about their friend, the colleague, neighbour, or the party they attended last week? Being critical and judgemental makes a person unattractive. WORDS that build rapport with another person include those that show concern, respect, and courtesy towards them, for example;  - Appropriate greetings (Good morning! How are you? Nice weekend! Have a lovely day!) - Words that show concern (How have you been? Do take care of yourself....