How you handle conflict depends less on YOUR STYLE than on what each situation demands Anytime you bring two or more people together to solve a problem or make a decision - that is, to negotiate - you may well end up with conflict. Conflict is inevitable. Even with the most level-headed or good characteristics, people will engage in conflict. Is conflict bad? Not necessarily. But unmanaged conflict can be harmful to us as individuals and to our organisation. Handled right, however, it can be a good thing. The Chinese symbol for crisis is made up of two characters: danger and opportunity. A poorly handled conflict can be dangerous, relationships may suffer and productivity may decline. If left unmanaged, it can lead to health problems, divert energy, time, and resources from legitimate and important personal and organisational goals, and result in corporate sabotage and financial and emotional problems. But a skillfully handled conflict can be beneficial. It can function as a safety val...
An Inspired Life of Purpose