Why do people like looking in the mirror? Why do people like looking in a mirror? We mostly mirror unconsciously. One of the fastest ways to create a good first impression and improve rapport is to use the mirror image. People will think you're reading their minds. Why use the mirror image? Why do people like looking in the mirror? Ever seen a yawn become contagious? If you smile at someone, don't they smile back? Doesn't it make you feel happier? Sometimes, we don't have to say anything or too much, or crack our heads to use any chat lines. In the initial stage, it's a sincere SMILE that makes a difference. Once you've ' broken the ice ', words become the focus. Remember a good smile is an asset in building relationships as it helps to connect. Leaders and successful business people can make very effective use of this intangible skill in improving leadership and interpersonal relationship building. Image Credit: By Alexandr Ivanov of Pixabay You smil...
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